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Linda strives to deliver enjoyable moments in life by sharing ideas and stories with a variety of ages.  She reaches out to touch others through music, stories, books and articles of interest.  Write4Now is the place to begin to find all she currently offers.

Linda discovered a love of writing when she took a creative writing class in high school.  Story wriiting was set aside as she married and began a family.  Becuase of family members who spent long hours in the hospital that Linda took up the pen again.  Over the next ten (10) years she wrote short stories for children to entertain her own family as well as others who were hospitalized. During this time she gave most ofher stories away to parents, teachers and friends.  She would write one night, read it the next day at the hospital and give it away to someone who had been touched or wanted to share it with someone else.
Challenges of being a single mother, working and supporting family members fought for her time.  At the request of some acquaintances at work, Linda began to write some thoughts about how she managed from day to day given the trials and challenges she faced.  She shared thoughts on how she felt about being a parent, life skills she used to lessen stress and depression, challenges she faced with family members, including co-dependency and anger.  These were freely shared with others who then passed on the thoughts.
Shortly before agreeing to take custody of three of her grandchildren, she wrote a short story with the hope of encouraging self-esteem in one of her granddaughters.   Not long after Linda wrote a story about Princess Jelisa and her friend Prince Taylor.  This eventually was the first of a series of stories about Princess Jelisa and her friends.  
Linda currently lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with a daughter, granddaughter and two active adopted daughters.  She is active in her church and community.  When she is not thinking about what she wishes she had the time to write about, she enjoys painting, playing the piano, singing and being with her family.

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